Excel Beginners

Navigating Excel: Step 1 To Mastering Spreadsheets

ORGANISATION Is Key For Productivity

The Data Tab

Excel 365 - Data Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Data Tab Layout

Sort & Filter Tools

All Tools

  • The tools in this section are the same as those found in the Home tab under the Editing Tools > Find and Replace tools

Data Tools

Flash Fill tool

  • This tool is the same as the one which can be found in the Home tab under the Editing Tools > Fill tools

Remove Duplicates tool

  • Remove Duplicates allows you to remove all of the duplicate rows which exist within the selected data set.

Data Validation tool

  • Data Validation allows you to set restrictions on what values can be input into a cell. These restrictions could be in the form of specific numbers, strings, or a value from a range of cells.

Excel 365 - Data Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Data Tab Layout

Outline Tools

Group tool

  • Group allows you to create a section of rows or columns which will be displayed with an additional section that appears behind the row or column headers, denoted by a square bracket and a plus(+) or minus(-) sign to expand or collapse the selection.

Ungroup tool

  • Ungroup allows you to remove a grouped section of rows or columns by selection the range which you wish to remove from the group, or the entire range of the group. If only a partial selection is made, only those rows or columns will be removed from the group.

Subtotal tool

  • Subtotal allows you to take a selected range of cells and create groups based on the factor of your choosing. The window will ask you which column you want the subtotal to be present on, and you must select the column which houses your numerical values.