Excel Beginners

Navigating Excel: Step 1 To Mastering Spreadsheets

Review Twice and Present Once

The Review Tab

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Proofing Tools

Spelling tool

  • Spelling allows you to sift through the existing workbook and check cells, text boxes, or other text objects for spelling and grammar faults based on the language set in the program. If no faults are detected it will not prompt you to take further action.

Thesaurus tool

  • Thesaurus allows you to search for words with similar meanings to those you type into its search box. This would be used to enhance the impact of a string of text which is included in your file.

Workbook Statistics tool

  • Workbook Statistics allows you to view facts about the current workbook you are in such as the number of cells which contain formulas, the number of cells which contain content of any type, or the number of sheets in the workbook among others.

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Language Tools

Translate tool

  • Translate allows you to input text in the language of your choosing and translate it to another language of your choosing. It should be noted that more complex sentences may not translate well between all languages.

Comments Tools

New Comment tool

  • New Comment allows you to add a comment to the selected cells. Comments will show up when hovering over the cell, or in a separate display menu on the sidebar.

Delete tool

  • Delete allows you to remove an existing comment from the selected cells.

Previous Comment tool

  • Previous Comment will search for a comment which has been created prior to the one currently selected. Comments are ordered by their creation date.

Next Comment tool

  • Next Comment will search for a comment which has been created after the one currently selected. Comments are ordered by their creation date.

Show Comments tool

  • Show Comments will open a sidebar window which will list all comments within the workbook, included the username of the individual who added them.

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Notes Tools

New Note tool

  • New Note allows you to add a note to the selected cells. Notes will show up when hovering over the cell, or will stay visible on the worksheet depending on your settings.

Previous Note tool

  • Previous Note will search for a note which has been created prior to the one currently selected. Notes are ordered by their creation date.

Next Note tool

  • Next Note will search for a note which has been created after the one currently selected. Notes are ordered by their creation date.

Show/Hide Notes tool

  • Show/Hide Notes allows you to toggle whether notes disappear when the cursor moves away from the cells they are in, or if they are permanently visible on the worksheet.

Show All Notes tool

  • Show All Notes allows you to display all notes on the worksheet at once without needing to toggle them individually

Convert to Comments tool

  • Convert to Comments allows you to take the notes which are in the selected range of cells and update them to become comments within those same cells.

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Excel 365 - Review Tab Layout

Protect Tools

Protect Sheet tool

  • Protect Sheet allows you to restrict the types of actions other users can perform on a worksheet. This could be limiting their ability to change formatting, values, or interact with objects in the sheet.

Protect Workbook tool

  • Protect Workbook allows you to restrict other users from modifying the structure of the workbook. This includes limiting their ability to hide or unhide worksheets in the document.

Allow Edit Ranges tool

  • Allow Edit Ranges allows you to give special permissions for protected cells that will allow users to make modifications on specified ranged within the limitations you set.