The AND function
The AND function is a logical function which validates if every condition returns the result of true, if even one of the conditions returns the result of false, the entire argument is false.
This is the format of the AND function:
= AND( logical comparison 1, logical comparison 2, logical comparison 3, etc…)
Here is an example of the AND function returning TRUE:
= AND( 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6) = TRUE
AND function resolving in TRUE
Here is an example of the AND function returning FALSE:
= AND( 1+1=2, 2+2=5, 3+3=6) = FALSE
This function is useful when paired with something like the IF function, or as a standalone value to identify if a set of criteria have been met.
An example of a functional implementation of this would be if you are trying to identify which group an individual belongs in based on a series of test results (eg: a personality test), where you can validate between 4+ different criteria quickly.
= AND( criteria 1 >= threshold, criteria 2 <= threshold, criteria 3 >= threshold)