The MINUTE function
The MINUTE function is a date and time function which returns the number from 0 to 59 representing the minutes portion of a time value.
This is the format of the MINUTE function:
Here is an example of the MINUTE function:
=MINUTE(43335.1215) = 54
MINUTE function returning the minute value from a valid date / time field
This function is valuable when you are timing duration of short tasks and want to precisely track the cumulative value of their results. These types of precision are too generic for scientific purposes, but are accurate enough for most business use cases, especially when dealing with transactions and time codes that are time sensitive in nature.
An example of a functional implementation of this would be tracking the punch times of employees. As employees can late to their shifts you want to track excessive late arrivals. Using the MINUTE function you can highlight shifts which have late arrivals.
ex: all shift start timestamps are located in column C, and punch timestamps are located in column D.
=IF(MINUTE(D2)-MINUTE(C2) >= 10, “TARDY!”, “OK”)