The TIME function
The TIME function is a date and time function which takes the three arguments required for a valid time in Excel (Hour, Minute, Second) and returns the result in the system time format. Without time formatting, the result will look like a seemingly random decimal number.
This is the format of the TIME function:
Here is an example of the TIME function:
=TIME(8,11,6) = 08:11:06 am
TIME joining the three parameters together to form a valid time formatted output
This function is valuable when it is important to track time down to the minute or second, but where the information is not necessarily present in an appropriate format. Even under circumstances where you are simply adding an increment of time to a properly formatted value, it is possible to cause errors that can easily be resolved by the TIME function.
An example of a functional implementation of this would be tracking elapsed time during a simulation or in a model. While it is possible to have all values formatted within their own cells or over equations, this can result in an otherwise messy presentation for those unfamiliar with the information, or who are seeing the output for the first time. Using the TIME function it is possible to retail classic formatting which is easy to understand without losing the importance of properly formatted time values.
ex: Total duration is located is column A, and round duration is located in column B. Data begins in row A2, and this would be the formula entered into A3
* Note this example uses the TIME function in combination with the HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND functions. For more information on these functions please visit their respective function pages *